About Me

A warm hello from Therapy with Divina!

Growing up, mental-health wasn’t really spoken of. Coming from a South Asian background – talks around freedom of speech, self-care  and self-awareness were even harder due to anything mental health related being seen as weak or as a taboo.  Seeking emotional support through a therapist was a myth, maybe even unheard of.  Looking back at my teenage years, I can see that I barely had any support and I know that I would have really benefited in having a counsellor, to help me explore my thoughts, speak openly without feeling a sense of judgement and listen to me.

Due to these reasons, I knew I had developed a meaningful passion for wanting to help others. I wanted to offer support, compassion, and a safe space for people because this is something I lacked when I needed it the most. My experiences and personal battles from young led me to train as a person-centred counsellor for young people and adults.

Do not hesitate to get in touch any questions. A warm welcome awaits!


Counselling Services

There are many different reasons as to why you may choose counselling – maybe you feel stuck or anxious? Or there may be a specific reason as to why you want to try counselling – such as a bereavement, form of abuse or feel a sense of sadness that you would like to explore.

Counselling will allow you the space to learn more about yourself and the people around you in the relationships that you hold. It allows you the time to reflect on the difficulties that you may be facing. It enables time to develop on your self-awareness and focus on yourself – because you are important!

I provide my clients with the fundamental knowledge, tools and skills to enable positive change when exploring their personal past and present environments. I offer a tailored process to guide each client towards reaching their full potential and believe that the therapeutic relationship should be warm, calm and comfortable.

Ready to start your counselling journey?



Book your free 15 minute telephone consultation here:


With a big team health issues and life challenges we’re fortunate to be able to help individuals and couples with a wide range of mental health issues and life challenges. We can meet face to face or via telehealth.

Alternatively you can book via email here:

