Social Power Hour

As well as being a counsellor, I manage three large business social media accounts. I enjoy helping businesses grow their social media presence, but most importantly have fun with it. Being a small business owner myself, I know how important it is to build a trustworthy Instagram presence.

A lot of the time managing a social media account can be draining, time consuming and difficult. Hence why I have put together this engaging, fun and exciting workshop, that you can complete in just one hour.

What is Social Power Hour?

Social Power Hour is a workshop that allows you to gain insightful information around your business/personal Instagram page. It is tailored to each individual and their Instagram needs. We will spend the hour looking at your Instagram page, discussing what you are doing well and what could be improved on. As well as this, I will provide you with Instagram tools that you could use to make life a lot easier when it comes to growing your account effectively!

Is Social Power Hour for me?

Social power hour may be for you if:

You would like to learn about tools that will be useful when using Instagram to promote your business

You’d want to learn how to gain an audience on social media around your business

You’d like to understand what you are already doing well on social media alongside what you may need some support around and improve on.

You want to make Instagram more fun and less draining

You want to build a plan and strategy around your page to be more productive. You may want to talk through ideas around content.  

What will this Social Power Hour include?

A detailed Instagram analysis document is included with your appointment.

Before our appointment together, your Instagram handle will be needed for me to go through, ready for us to discuss. Don’t have an Instagram account yet? No worries – Just let me know!

You will gain an hour’s worth of insight on your Instagram page. We will go through everything you are doing well on your Instagram that is working as well as what you need to work on to gain a wider audience. We will look through a range of Instagram tools and skills that you can use to make life easier for you when it comes to using social media for your business. Discuss and plan any goals you have around your Instagram page e.g., increasing number of following/sales.

Topics included in Social Power Hour:
How much is the workshop?

1-hour Social Power Hour: £99
Contact me to find out more. – Spaces are limited.

Other Services:

    Three sets of hashtags tailored to your Instagram page
    (One set includes 30 hashtags): £15

    Bundle of Instagram posts & unique captions for each post

    (Each bundle includes 5 Instagram posts and captions to add to your feed): £30

    Need social media management? No problem. Please contact me to find out more!


Can therapy help?
  • Therapy can be useful for a range of different reasons such as:
  • It can be helpful with self-development, self-esteem, and confidence levels – to use sessions to explore and understand the underlying beliefs you have imbedded in yourself. The process around breaking these ‘beliefs can begin.
  • Increased capacity to converse effectively
  • Decreased defensiveness and anger
  • Increased coping skills in your daily life
  • Increased ability to draw boundaries with others around you
  • It can be useful when processing trauma or significant events
  • A safe space for you to explore and reflect on things that are impacting you emotionally.
  • Healthier relationships
How many sessions will I need?

This is a question that is asked to me all the time. Truth is, I don’t know. Therapy can last a lifetime or as little as two sessions. The best thing to do is start the process with an open mindset. You are not signed down to anything – which means we can discuss your needs around sessions as and when we think is necessary.

Have you had personal therapy?

Yes, I have. I know how nerve-racking it can be to undergo counselling. Hence why through my own experience of therapy, I am aware on the importance around it and how I would like to come across in sessions. I would like to think that I am a warming, calm and relaxed person. First sessions can be scary, but after finishing your first session with me, you’ll see how relaxed I am!

What ages do you work with?

I work with ages 16 and above

How do I conduct sessions on a regular basis?

I offer sessions via telephone, zoom and face to face

Where are you based?

My practice is based in Harrow

How long is a session?
  • Sessions are 50 minutes long
  • I offer a free confidential 15-minute consultation

Contact me

Phone number: 077377150865

Email: [email protected]

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